The beginnings of Sisters of Social Service can be traced back to 1908 in Hungary, where its founding members were inspired by the Catholic Church’s encyclical on social justice, Rerum Novarum (On the Condition of Labor). Sister Margaret Slachta was a pioneer in social work and the first woman elected to the Hungarian Parliament. There, she actively advocated for workers’ rights, emphasizing the well-being of women, children, and families. In 1923, she established the SSS, which has since expanded to Europe, Canada, and the US. The Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation’s support of the Sisters of Social Service goes back to Mrs. Doheny’s lifetime. Partnerships have included Camp Mariastella, Los Angeles House of Ruth, and Regis House Community Center. We extend our warmest congratulations to the Sisters of Social Service on their 100th anniversary and express our gratitude for their tireless service to those in need.