During its early years, the Foundation provided a variety of grants, both big and small. These ranged from supporting capital projects for the Doheny Eye Institute to offering camperships for underprivileged youth in programs supported by the Foundation.
After Mrs. Doheny lost vision in one eye, she established the Estelle Doheny Eye Foundation, now known as Doheny Eye Institute, to further the conservation, improvement, and restoration of human eyesight. The Foundation has provided substantial funding to this world-class research institution to support the mission that was so important to Mrs. Doheny.

Because Mrs. Doheny realized the value of fresh air and nature, she purchased land in Wrightwood, CA, for the Sisters of Social Service to establish a summer camp for children and youth. This was the beginning of the Campership Program. Today, the Foundation funds two dozen overnight and day camps for children and youth whose families are experiencing poverty. Grantees have shared transformative stories from the children, the youth, and their families on how life-changing camp has been for them.